Iron 883 Vs Vulcan 900

Apart from prices you can also find comparison of these bikes based on displacement mileage.
Iron 883 vs vulcan 900. After research there is two bikes Im interested in. Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Custom 625000. Harley-Davidson Iron 883 700000.
Iron 883 vs Vulcan 900 Custom. Just take a look at the wiring diagram of both bikes. Vulcan S It wouldnt be fair to use engine HP when my Harley test was rear wheel power so my buddy with a Vulcan S Dyno tested his at 55HP.
The ex-showroom price of Harley-Davidson Iron 883 2018-2019 is 933000 and Kawasaki Vulcan S is 610000. To cram the schematic on two pages the 900 chart is very small and I needed a magnifying glass just to trace anything but the 883 chart is very simple. Bigger motor although I wont be riding on the highway Cons.
Jump to Latest Follow 61 - 67 of 67 Posts. Iron 883 vs CB1100EX. Take the time to sit on all three bikes.
Vulcan S 31. Got to ride on a 2010 Harley Davidson 883 Sportster today. 30000 American Motorcycle for Sale.
Harley-Davidson Iron 883 is available in 3 colours and 1 variant and Kawasaki Vulcan S is available in 0 colour and 1 variant. Vulcan 900 vs Sportster 883 or 1200. This is a case where you.